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In an extraordinary development, Fierce Healthcare is reporting numerous articles where reimbursement is being cut off to hospitals for Non-Emergency visits to their Emergency Departments. Now the primary solution lies in determining if calls are true emergencies (emergent) or non-emergencies (non-emergent) and qualifying those calls. The best way to do that in a tested and […]

"Multi-Function" to Save Both Money-Budgets and Lives. A mobile telemedicine cart should be versatile enough to handle routine day-to-day procedures but capable enough to manage unexpected emergencies as well. One should not have to purchase multiple carts to fit multiple needs. One cart should "do-it-all"..it should be an "all-in-one" solution. The First "Virtual Ambulance™". Now […]

What do you get when you invest $14 million and 6 years of field tests in an emergency medical services telemedicine system? You get DREAMS™ – Disaster Relief and Emergency Medical Services – described as the most advanced EMS telemedicine system in the world. The $14 million came from the U. S. Army Medical Research […]

LifeBot® has posted interviews with CEO Roger Heath and famed surgeon James ‘Red’ Duke online from HIMSS 11 Exposition on its web site. LifeBot® displayed with Hewlett Packard at the meeting showing one of the DREAMStm ambulances developed with the U.S. Military and others. In these interviews the LifeBot® Slate solution is shown working running […]