LifeBot provides exclusive patented and military developed telemedicine and resuscitation solutions. Our central focus is quality and continuity of care to save lives and reduce costs for the ultimate success of healthcare professionals.
From the simplest to the most complex of events, our products are designed for mobile connected care, for personal survival, for clinical or senior care, for comprehensive management of public safety, disaster and combat operations. LifeBot owns the exclusive world-wide rights to crucial new patents and DREAMS, the award winning $36 million research project funded by U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (UCMC) and the Telemedicine and Technology Research Center (TATRC). read more
LifeBot was founded by R. Lee Heath, the inventor making possible the Automatic External Defibrillator (AED). The Technologies Team is comprised of an extraordinary group of industry veterans; military, technology and business partners. The Management Team with Advisors meld the unique core competency to expand and support the use of the new and exclusive patented technologies. The legacy of award winning innovation now extends itself to a period of over 40 years.
Deploy fast. Deploy in scale. Deploy at much reduced costs. The LifeBot 5 is the most advanced portable mobile integrated healthcare system in the world. With its unique exoskeleton design, it is also among the most rugged of all telemedicine systems.
Anytime and Anywhere, now the full potential of telemedicine may be fully realized in just days or weeks rather than months or years. read more
LifeBot has introduced the smallest lightest ALS defibrillator in history, weighing in at just 2.8 pounds (1.27 kilograms) and measuring only 4.5 inches (11.43 cm), by 8.35 inches (21 cm) by 2.5 inches (6.35 cm). The unit is so small, it fits inside the LifeBot 5, making LifeBot the first and only telemedicine designs to offer resuscitation capabilities on-board. read more
LifeBot is the future. The fastest growing telemedicine markets are for personal survival (PERS) and home remote monitoring. Can a company have already patented critical aspects of Next Generation 911 (NG911) , the AHA Chain of Survival, and crucial resuscitation technologies all at once? The answer to that is yes and the company is LifeBot. Connected continuity of care will have a whole new meaning with LifeBot patented technologies. read more
“Health is not skin deep. It’s what’s inside that counts too, sometimes much much more.” A true telemedicine system should go beyond simple video teleconferencing by acquiring critical inside information ; vital signs data, ECG, 12-lead, pulse ox, blood pressure, exam cameras, ultrasound, patient history etc. This is the only objective way to fully assess the real risks and minimize medical errors. read more
The LifeBot touch screen allows remote physicians to draw “play-by-play” on the screen to help the EMT provide better care.
Lorien Bel Air is connected to UM UCMC with the LifeBot Telemedicine systems. improve the patient’s quality of life.
...what we really need, right now, is better telemedicine technology, particularly in emergency situations... the LifeBot 5 offers exactly that.
With more information LifeBot DREAMS enables one to do something definitive to make a difference.
It is arguable the most sophisticated example of a working telemedicine system in EMS. ... surprisingly ergonomic... like the steering wheel of a car.
LifeBot 5 combines telemedicine essentials in one device. That’s where all-in-one portable telemedicine units like the LifeBot 5 come into play.