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Tag Archives: lifebot

 As many agree, Community Paramedicine with EMS Telemedicine is the Future of EMS Services. For more details download the Community Paramedicine Technology Guide from LifeBot. view download guide..Toronto’s Paramedicine Program shows just how successful such programs may be. Community paramedics helping those on the fringes Report from CTV’s Avis Favaro and Elizabeth St. Philip Paramedics […]

LifeBot announced it has certified Odyssey Decision Support Software (DSS), the most advanced patient assessment system for Emergency EMS use, for use on it’s LifeBot® Slate tablet PC. The software may also run simultaneously the the tabelt PC with the LifeBot DREAMS telemedicine client. Odyssey and DREAMS™ Telemedicine Integrated Odyssey is a critical component for […]

"Multi-Function" to Save Both Money-Budgets and Lives. A mobile telemedicine cart should be versatile enough to handle routine day-to-day procedures but capable enough to manage unexpected emergencies as well. One should not have to purchase multiple carts to fit multiple needs. One cart should "do-it-all"..it should be an "all-in-one" solution. The First "Virtual Ambulance™". Now […]

LifeBot has just been advised that R. Lee Heath will have his 33rd patent issue from the U.S. Patent Office. The new patent integrates crucial call management, Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) and resuscitation technologies that will only be available from LifeBot. According to CEO, Roger Heath, "This new patent has major ramifications when applied […]