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Tag Archives: emergency

 As many agree, Community Paramedicine with EMS Telemedicine is the Future of EMS Services. For more details download the Community Paramedicine Technology Guide from LifeBot. view download guide..Toronto’s Paramedicine Program shows just how successful such programs may be. Community paramedics helping those on the fringes Report from CTV’s Avis Favaro and Elizabeth St. Philip Paramedics […]

In an extraordinary development, Fierce Healthcare is reporting numerous articles where reimbursement is being cut off to hospitals for Non-Emergency visits to their Emergency Departments. Now the primary solution lies in determining if calls are true emergencies (emergent) or non-emergencies (non-emergent) and qualifying those calls. The best way to do that in a tested and […]

Phoenix, AZ, USA February 7, 2012 : LifeBot, LLC announced that it introducing the world’s first Multi-Function Telemedicine Emergency Crash Cart system at HIMSS 12 in Las Vegas February 20-23 with Hewlett Packard. LifeBot will also be displaying the DREAMS™ Digital Ambulance Emergency EMS telemedicine system at the Gathering of Eagles meeting in Dallas the […]

LifeBot announced it has certified Odyssey Decision Support Software (DSS), the most advanced patient assessment system for Emergency EMS use, for use on it’s LifeBot® Slate tablet PC. The software may also run simultaneously the the tabelt PC with the LifeBot DREAMS telemedicine client. Odyssey and DREAMS™ Telemedicine Integrated Odyssey is a critical component for […]