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call – LifeBot

Tag Archives: call

LifeBot has just been advised that R. Lee Heath will have his 33rd patent issue from the U.S. Patent Office. The new patent integrates crucial call management, Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) and resuscitation technologies that will only be available from LifeBot. According to CEO, Roger Heath, "This new patent has major ramifications when applied […]

OK, I’ll say it. Health is not skin deep. It’s what’s inside that counts too, sometimes much much more. Recently a paramedic friend in Texas told me about a day where they took their DREAMS Ambulance to a shopping center to provide open public testing or free health screening as a public service to his […]

LifeBot® Odyssey is clinical decision support software that significantly lowers the time required for patient assessments substantially reducing costs. Odyssey is fast, user friendly, clinically thorough and safe; it also improves record keeping. Odyssey products are proven for many years to improve the efficiency of clinical resources, reduce risk and ultimately save money. It enables […]