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 As many agree, Community Paramedicine with EMS Telemedicine is the Future of EMS Services. For more details download the Community Paramedicine Technology Guide from LifeBot. view download guide..Toronto’s Paramedicine Program shows just how successful such programs may be. Community paramedics helping those on the fringes Report from CTV’s Avis Favaro and Elizabeth St. Philip Paramedics […]

LifeBot® Odyssey is clinical decision support software that significantly lowers the time required for patient assessments substantially reducing costs. Odyssey is fast, user friendly, clinically thorough and safe; it also improves record keeping. Odyssey products are proven for many years to improve the efficiency of clinical resources, reduce risk and ultimately save money. It enables […]

TelePresence: Video conferencing, video recording, instant messaging and data transfers may all be performed between hospital facilities, hospital departments, and ambulances. P25 700MHz: Add wireless broadband capacity and redundancy to 700 MHz P25 deployments enabling EMS telemedicine. Ambulance Telemedicine: Fully deployable with LifeBot® prehospital ambulance based telemedicine systems. STEMI 12-lead ECG: High capacity broadband compatible […]