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LifeBot – Heath 33rd Patent to Issue Integrating Telemedicine with Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) – LifeBot

33rd Heath U.S Patent

LifeBot has just been advised that R. Lee Heath will have his 33rd patent issue from the U.S. Patent Office. The new patent integrates crucial call management, Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) and resuscitation technologies that will only be available from LifeBot.

According to CEO, Roger Heath, "This new patent has major ramifications when applied to managing emergencies during telemedicine home remote monitoring. The majority of these patients are chronic and they are going to have an emergency arise. The patented system does away with the old mantra, “Hang up and dial 911.” because the last thing patients wish to do is disconnect a doctor or nurse during an emergency. There is no reason to hang-up on high-level life-saving medical expertise in the midst of an emergency. This could cost human lives."

"Most very large telemedicine firms have been investing billions in home remote monitoring and this undoubtedly will reduce healthcare costs. But, they seem to have "skipped over" or completely forgotten that most of these patients are going to have an emergency. This is inevitable.", states Heath, "So emergency management is critical to saving more lives and LifeBot® holds the exclusive patented technologies to make this possible."

When this patent is combined with Heath’s patented resuscitation technologies, this forms the basis for the most advanced home remote monitoring systems with emergency management "built-in" says, Heath.

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