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ems1.com – Dan White Commentary – “Stop Talking” – LifeBot

Dan White comments about EMS telemedicine and the opportunities for advancing quality of patient care in an article entitled, "Stop Talking" published on the site ems1.com.

click here to view article

LifeBot® provides exclusive patented telemedicine and telehealth solutions and digital collaborative systems to eliminate disparate communications issues during emergencies with full interoperability. We also integrate next generation broadband capabilities not inherent in today’s interoperative digital radio communications so the benefits of achieving telemedicine, telehealth, and emergency preparedness objectives may all be fully realized. To learn more about these systems, please contact us.

LifeBot® Connect, Communicate, Collaborate, Save Lives.

toll-free: 877-466-1422  e-mail: info@emstelematics.com
Patented. Additional patents pending.
LifeBot, LLC 2009 All rights reserved.