R. Lee Heath, the Founder of LifeBot, has been inspired by many of the writings of Ayn Rand. Ms. Rand’s most famous book is "Atlas Shrugged", which is increasing in sales substantially each year since it was released in 1957. In a study by the Library of Congress, the book was shown to be the most influential in the country, second only to the Bible. Using her book "Introduction to Objectivist Epistomology", has helped him to conceive his new ideas saving thousands world-wide. Mr. Heath also studied for many years under famed Rand student, Dr. J. Arthur Solomon.
"Of interest are recent comments by Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak, Explaining why Apple got to its current position, where it now has a larger market cap than Exxon, Woz speculated that political theory was guiding Jobs. He saw the exiting CEO as an Ayn Rand-style objectivist that created the world he wanted to live in. "Steve was very fast thinking and wanted to do things, [while] I wanted to build things," he commented. “I think Atlas Shrugged was one of his guides in life." View more: Steve Wozniak: Jobs the ‘best business leader of our time’
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