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The LifeBot® EMS Workstation is the first and only EMS telemedicine communications workstation that is a VOIP (Voice Over IP) based system with full compatibility and interoperability with digital radio systems including 700MHz P25, 800 MHz trunked, UHF, VHF, TETRA, and Phone/PSTN systems. Another first is the ability to talk throughout the Emergency Department using an optional portable telephone on both radio and telephone communications.
TelePresence: Video conferencing, video recording, instant messaging and data transfers may all be performed between hospital facilities, hospital departments, and ambulances.
P25 700MHz: Add wireless broadband capacity and redundancy to 700 MHz P25 deployments enabling EMS telemedicine.
Ambulance Telemedicine: Fully deployable with LifeBot® prehospital ambulance based telemedicine systems.
STEMI 12-lead ECG: High capacity broadband compatible with ALL manufacturer’s 12-lead and ePCR software systems.
Multicast: Instantly group multicast or conference using voice or video teleconferencing during major emergencies.
ED Security: May include site security management with video displays of ambulance bay, heliport, etc. and manage remote door access directly from the communications systems display.
Grants: Qualifies for existing rural broadband, interoperative State, Homeland Security and HRSA grant proposals.
Rapid Information Access: Includes custom private portal system for fast access to protocols, SOPs, and any critical information sharing for emergency preparedness.
Ambulance Telemedicine: Fully deployable with LifeBot® prehospital ambulance based telemedicine systems.
Instant Messaging and Paging: Send instant messaging e-mail alerts and mass file or data distribution to hospitals or providers directly from private secure portal display.
TeleTrauma: Send live or recorded video or images directly from the scene to hospital and surgeons or neurologists.
TeleStroke: Perform live or recorded stroke assessments in the field and/or from the home with videoconferencing.
Upgrade Path: Upgradeable to future LifeBot® patented technologies for ED teletriage and telehealth home care.