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LifeBot® - Connect. Communicate. Collaborate. Save Lives.(tm) emergency telemedicine and telehealth e-newsletter
volume 1.0 number 2.0 november 2009
LifeBot® - Connect. Communicate. Collaborate. Save Lives.(tm)

leading news story:
Free Grants Help Free Stimulus Grants Assistance for Next Round NTIA Broadband Emergency TeleStroke and TeleHealth Applications
While dollars for infrastructure and construction lead the current economic stimulus rhetoric, it is quickly becoming known that nearly $198 billion in stimulus funds will soon be available to improve health care services delivery. LifeBot and affiliate REW Networks are offering assistance to the healthcare community to garner available grants and stimulus dollars. We have applied for funding in Round One and are now assisting in Round Two grant applications in deployment of Emergency Telemedicine, TeleStroke and TeleHealth home based remote patient management. view more..
"The cost of not having telemedicine thus was estimated to average $370,000 per annum for the rural hospitals. Communities with larger hospitals (2,000 or more patient encounters per month) would be forgoing over $500,000 per year if telemedicine were not offered.", USDA Broadband Report, 08/2009 more...

"Residents of major metropolitan areas should expect most ambulances to have mobile video and data links within a decade.", Jonathan Linkous, CEO of the American Telemedicine Association more...

"I think five years is more reasonable. It should be part of our practice.", Rifat Latifi, M.D., Director of Telemedicine, University of Arizona. more...

"In order to receive the benefits of telemedicine, electronic health care records,and other healthcare benefits, health providers must have access to underlying broadband infrastructure." JAC Report to 9/11 Commission, Kevin Martin, FCC Chairman more...

"The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the Rural Utlities Service (RUS) should take all steps necessary to ensure that networks are being deployed in underserved and unserved areas are at the very least able to meet the mission critical needs of the public safety agencies in that community." APCO ARRA Comments more...

on the web:
© 2009, LifeBot, LLC
All rights reserved. Patented.
Additional Patents Pending.

New Patent New LifeBot Telemedicine Patent Allowed
LifeBot has received Notice of Allowance on a new U.S. Patent that will provide exclusive intellectual property rights covering many new concepts for new Emergency Telemedicine based Life-Support Systems. According to Mr. Heath, Chairman and CEO, the patent claims cover many essential features that are needed for deployment of life-saving EMS and emergency telemedicine teletriage and home telehealth systems that he began to expedite many years ago. view more..
EMS Telemedicine Live Ambulance Prehospital Video-Data Systems Continue Progress in Tucson and Baton Rouge

Tucson's ER-Link Telemedicine view videos..

Baton Rouge's BR-Med Connect view videos..
Interview and Article The Future of EMS Telemedicine
R. Lee Heath, the founder of LifeBot, was interviewed by Dan White of EMS Professional Magazine. This article comments about Next Generation Wi-Fi connectivity enabling the use of EMS Telemedicine. view..
Dan White also comments about EMS telemedicine and the opportunities for advancing quality of patient care in an article entitled, "Stop Talking" published on the site view..
New Technology Next Generation Tools to Save Lives
R. Lee Heath, the founder of LifeBot, is best known as the inventor of 'hands-free' noninvasive defibrillation 'combo pads' making possible the modern Automatic External Defibrillator (AED). In 1995, he was recommended by American Heart Association officials, and other peers, for the Lemelson MIT Prize, the highest prize awarded inventors. view letters  more..

Mr. Heath now has the equivalent of over 30 new patents pending. Most of these focus on advanced emergency department and ambulance based telemedicine, telestroke, data ePCR/EHR, remote telehealth, and resuscitation applications. To be available in the near future, these innovations promise to revolutionize many of the approaches to emergency patient care.
LifeBot! What is a LifeBot?
The LifeBot Concept is one of robotics or robots that perform advanced life-support functions, either for emergency rescue personnel or for one's personal survival at work or in the home. The Concept also embodies the basic idea that telemedicine and telehealth equipment should fully automate as many functions as possible so emergency professionals can focus on the patient and quality of care.
view more..

New Website Launched: As displayed at the above of this newsletter, we have now launched our new web site. Please visit this site regularly to view new product releases as they become available. view more..
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info:  R. Lee Heath, 3116 South Mill Avenue, Suite 620, Tempe, AZ 85282-3657 Toll free: 877-466-1422 (voice/fax)

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