"The diversion of non-emergency calls to a qualified nurse will save the Philadelphia Fire Department (PFD) as much as $2.5 million annually by increasing productivity and reducing the wear-and-tear on vehicles and equipment, as well as reducing stress on personnel.", City of Philadelphia Controller Lifting the Burden on Emergency Medical Services more..
Data shows that by using Odyssey to support nurse teletriage, EMAS saved thousands of unnecessary transports... After a software investment of two years, it paid for itself within the first month of operation. The service saved over $3 million in one year., East Midlands Ambulance Service more..
"Odyssey TeleAssess, and its earlier versions, have an enviable record having been used to assess almost 10 million UK patients’ needs without a single case of litigation associated with its clinical content." Prof. J Dale, April 2008 more...
"The cost of not having telemedicine thus was estimated to average $370,000 per annum for the rural hospitals. Communities with larger hospitals (2,000 or more patient encounters per month) would be forgoing over $500,000 per year if telemedicine were not offered.", USDA Broadband Report, 08/2009 more...
"Residents of major metropolitan areas should expect most ambulances to have mobile video and data links within a decade.", Jonathan Linkous, CEO of the American Telemedicine Association more...
"I think five years is more reasonable. It should be part of our practice.", Rifat Latifi, M.D., Director of Telemedicine, University of Arizona. more...
"In order to receive the benefits of telemedicine, electronic health care records,and other healthcare benefits, health providers must have access to underlying broadband infrastructure." JAC Report to 9/11 Commission, Kevin Martin, FCC Chairman more...
on the web: www.lifebot.us.com
© 2010, LifeBot, LLC
All rights reserved. Patented.
Additional Patents Pending.

New Products LifeBot® New ED-EMS and Prison Teletriage Features
The LifeBot® patented ED-EMS Workstation is the first an only such system compatible with new P25 700-800MHz digital radio systems using VOIP. It is the only emergency multitasking system powerful enough to combine fully interoperative radio and telephone communications, next generation private broadband, EMS to ED telemedicine and teletriage, all in one system.
New Emergency Department workstation security features and teletriage software has been introduced for advanced life-support ambulance to hospital telemedicine and communications. view more..
Download EMS Workstation Brochure
Download US-DOJ Telemedicine Report
Odyssey Teletriage (shown above) has already demonstrated substantially reduced costs to EMS and public safety services with savings in the millions of dollars. view more..
Now LifeBot® expands these exclusive features to management of prison health care using both video and teletriage software. Efficient and complete teletriage saves even more time and money. It also generates patient records and tracking.
Data may be exported in NEMSIS 3.0 standard formats for export into hospital patient records systems. view more..
Download Prison Teletriage Brochure
Download Teletriage EMS Brochure
Developing News FCC Introduces Public Safety Broadband Plan
The FCC has introduced a $16 billion grants proposal to deploy public safety dedicated broadband. Broadband technology is particularly critical to public safety because it can provide enhanced situational awareness from first responders in emergency situations. Through broadband use, public safety entities can access medical records, site information and other video and data information useful for emergency responses. The LifeBot® workstation is already configured to be compatible with such systems. view more..
Broadband Grants LifeBot® Collaborates on Broadband Grants
LifeBot® has participated in filing of NTIA RUS grant processes with broadband and communications partners for $7 million in grant proposals that were submitted March 26th. LifeBot® partners supply next generation private broadband for public safety and hospital use. Management expertise and business models have been developed for the deployment of efficient cost effective high capacity broadband systems especially designed for patient transport corridors and mobile vehicular ambulance and law enforcement use. LifeBot® products may qualify for interoperative DHS, HRSA, ASPR, UASI and HealthIT grants. For requesting free grant filing assistance : view more..
Reimbursement States Mandate Telemedicine Reimbursement
By a unanimous vote, the Virginia State Legislature approved SB 675 mandating that health insurers pay for telemedicine services. Governor McDonnell is expected to sign the bill into law. Eleven other states have adopted mandates for the coverage of telemedicine. The other states are: California, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Oregon and Texas. The trend is expected to continue. Blue Cross Blue Shield has also begun coverage of telehealth services in New York. view more..
New Product LifeBot® Introduces Armored Data and Rack Systems
SPEAR is a miniature high-density mobile armored rack system providing a sealed hardened self-contained and controlled environment making critical electronics invulnerable to dust, dirt, heat, cold, fire, earthquake, tornado, explosion, and power system losses. It may be used to house interoperative emergency communications, cellular and wireless base stations, computers and storage systems, electronic recorders, and almost any conventional rack mounted systems that require the highest levels of protection. It is ideally suited for physically securing storage and access to patient medical records hardware and private patient information. view more..
The SPEAR patented anti-vibration anti-shock system is exceptionally suited for use aboard mobile command vehicles to protect critical electronics for communications, networking and telemedicine. (see above and below) Because expensive components are not subjected to hostile extremes, dust and dirt, they can be expected to perform more reliably, even under adverse conditions, with much improved ROI. The proven communications hardware and software utilized within the LifeBot® EMS Workstation is utilized in over 3500 installations including the command vehicle shown below, although it is being compiled with exclusive LifeBot® patented features for EMS telemedicine in the future. view more..
New Advisor W. Rick Duel - "Radio Rick"
LifeBot® welcomes "Radio Rick" Duel as an advisor. Mr. Duel has been twenty years with the City of Chicago. He is the primary design engineer for Public Safety two-way radio communications, design engineer for two-way radio systems for the Chicago Police Department, Chicago Fire Department Fire Suppression and Rescue, and the Chicago Fire Department Emergency Medical Services. He built the Emergency Medical Services ambulance to hospital communications system for the City of Chicago and all hospitals participating in the cities EMS Trauma Radio program connected to Chicago's renowned 911 center. view more..
New Patent U.S. Issues New LifeBot® Telemedicine Patent
LifeBot® has been issued a new U.S. Patent that will provide exclusive intellectual property rights covering many new essential concepts for Emergency Telemedicine and Teletriage based Life-Support Systems. Many additional claims and patents are pending, all of which are expected to establish the company as the industry technology leader. Mr. Heath, the founder of LifeBot®, is best known as the inventor of hands-free defibrillation pads, R2-Pads or Combo-Pads. He now has more than 30 patents (originally 7 domestic and 23 foreign) issued with his name. view more..
About Us Our Mission Statement
LifeBot® provides exclusive patented telemedicine and telehealth solutions and digital collaborative systems to eliminate disparate communications issues during emergencies with full interoperability. We also integrate next generation broadband capabilities not inherent in todays interoperative digital radio communications so the benefits of achieving telemedicine, telehealth, and emergency preparedness objectives may all be fully realized.
R. Lee Heath, the founder of LifeBot®, is best known as the inventor making possible the modern Automatic Heart Defibrillator (AED). He has installed and/or managed emergency life support communications and telemedicine deployments for more public safety and health care institutions than any other organization nation-wide during the
last 37 years. His new and essential patented technologies, now under development for more than eight years, and life-saving systems are expected to save hospitals, emergency providers and law enforcement millions in the near future. about us..