Phoenix, AZ, USA March 10, 2011: LifeBot, LLC announced today it previewed emergency telemedicine products at the annual HIMMS HealthIT Conference in Orlando with partner Hewlett Packard. Video interviews have been released featuring live demonstrations of the LifeBot® Slate, DREAMStm Digital Ambulance, and Emergency Department Workstation teletriage telemedicine communications solutions. The interviews feature James 'Red' Duke, Jr., the famed surgeon who conceived the advanced telemedicine systems developed with the U.S. Army Materiel Command, Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC), Texas A&M University, and The University of Texas at Houston.
The advanced emergency telemedicine technologies were demonstrated live utilizing powerful computing platforms provided by Hewlett Packard. The LifeBot® Emergency Department Workstation uses the HP Touchsmart 9100 Series PC to perform telemedicine, radio and telephone communications, and advanced teletriage. The LifeBot® Slate PC tablet (similar to, but smaller and more powerful than an Apple iPad) may be used to remotely connect to other LifeBot® DREAMStm systems including telemedicine carts and ambulances. The LifeBot® Slate absolutely revolutionizes speed of care by enabling any paramedic, neurologist, trauma surgeon, emergency medical specialist to obtain immediate telepresence or remote video, voice and data connections using a simple 1.5 pound portable PC computer tablet solution.
In the HP interview entitled, "Emergency Care 2.0 with LifeBot®" Dr. Duke states, "I'm convinced...certainly LifeBot is making a major effort, with you folks at Hewlett Packard, ...and it will be common in a few years... It's just is natural with the telecommunications business exploding." Mr. Heath comments, in the interviews, that this is part of a larger plan to manage emergencies in the the home or business with his patented technologies, providing continuity of care and saving of lives much beyond simple remote monitoring of those at risk. LifeBot® also plans to expand these technologies into battlefield operations, disaster relief, and specialized emergency prehospital applications.
For those deploying interoperative emergency communications, the LifeBot® Slate and the Touchsmart platforms may also be used with the LifeBot® Communications Controller. This enables the Slate to be carried as a portable wireless device to perform both radio and telephone communications, including UHF, VHF, 800 MHz, 700 MHz, P25 and broadband voice, video, and data. Mr. Heath, CEO of LifeBot®, indicated, "This is yet another revolutionary aspect of this system. It means EMS and emergency coordinators can carry all their communications throughout an Emergency Department in just one hand or alternately use a powerful desktop EMS Workstation system."
Mr. Heath commented that these interviews are just previews of what is to come in life saving technologies from LifeBot®. We are very excited about our partnership with Hewlett Packard and how our combined technologies enable these life saving systems to become the most advanced in the world.

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About DREAMStm:
The DREAMStm (Disaster Relief and Emergency Medical Services) digital emergency medical services (Digital EMS) program is led by famed trauma surgeon and educator, Dr. James H. "Red" Duke, Jr. Dr. Duke is professor of surgery, holder of the John B. Holmes Professorship and chief of surgery at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth), as well as medical director of Memorial Hermann Life Flight. The software, hardware, and telecommunications aspects of this program are led by Texas A&M Researcher Larry Flournoy, and Texas Engineering Experiment Station researcher James Wall, Ph.D. The digital EMS program has developed and deployed wireless video communications and combining AVL/GPS (Automatic Vehicle Location/Global Positioning System) technology and advanced software to enable ambulances and helicopters to reach the victim sooner, begin triage, diagnosis and treatment on the scene, and coordinate helicopters and ambulances to minimize transport time to the nearest appropriate facility, using continuous "live" communication with these facilities.
DREAMStm has already been successfully deployed and tested aboard "Super Ambulancestm" in multiple counties of Texas. In addition, these "Super Ambulancestm" also have aided with rescue efforts during the aftermath of the Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. DREAMStm is a tested and proven "battlefield" application.
The development of this system was in conjunction with U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC) through its Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC). TATRC performs medical reconnaissance and special operations to address critical gaps that are underrepresented in DoD medical research programs. Versions of DREAMStm also include field and disaster deployable "MASH" style versions that may be dropped into combat theaters and a HMMWV 9978A2 (Humvee) prototype for in-the-field use by the U.S. Military.
About LifeBot®:
LifeBot® provides exclusive patented and military developed telemedicine solutions for emergency management of hospital-to-ambulance and hospital-to-home communications. These systems are used to send and receive live video, voice and patient vital-sign data transmissions primarily in support of heart, trauma and stroke victims in ambulances. The company´s patents focus on extension of these life-saving systems into consumer use in the home and business.
The systems are also designed for management of major crises, disasters and emergencies by hospital based and field public safety emergency professionals and for the U.S. Military in battlefield operations. We integrate next generation broadband capabilities not inherent in today´s interoperative digital radio communications so the benefits of achieving telemedicine, telehealth, and emergency preparedness objectives may all be fully realized.
The company was founded by R. Lee Heath, who is best known as the inventor businessman making possible the life-saving Automatic External Heart Defibrillator (AED) now in common use throughout the world. Mr. Heath was recommended for the Lemelson MIT Prize by American Heart Association officials and other peers. His experience spans almost four decades in the design and deployment of emergency life-support and their communications systems.
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